Shaping the AVATAR
The Blockchain will gather your stats and will use them to shape your Avatar's characteristics: they will depend not only on your behaviour but also on the faction path you chose to follow.

CyberDeck™ Avatars
The Avatar is our own digital alter ego, recorded on CyberDeck™'s Blockchain.
When you choose your faction, an Avatar will be assigned to you: it will evolve through your gaming choices, your abilities, your interactions.

Best Avatars become Cards for All

Best Avatars in Ranking will become a new card at every expansion.

Cyberdeck blockchain will have multiple games over it, and all of them will concurr in shaping your Avatar's personality. You will be able to use your avatar and your assets on any game you play on Cyberdeck's world.
How to play CyberDeck™? Find out more about the gameplay.
Learn to play CyberDeck™ by following step by step the video of a real match.
Any doubts about CyberDeck™? Please browse frequently asked questions.
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